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Please send in your fest related classifieds. They could be as diverse as instruments for sale or wanted to lost and found to looking for a Westy (VW that is, not the dog!). Include a photo or a link and an e-mail address and the state or country you are in, but please remember that all classifieds are subject to refusal if deemed inappropriate.

Did we mention it's FREE!! Please note that they will be up until you contact or 1 month or so. Whatever comes first. We are flexible!



A/V Equipment for SALE: 2 overhead projectors, JVC editing control unit, heavy-duty laminator, Kodak video printers, Polaroid ID-3 camera, etc... E-mail for list. Jim.

WANTED: VW Westy. Prefer 1985. Live in Phila., PA area, but could travel. Please send photos and other info. Contact Jim.

WANTED: Your classified HERE!! Please send photos and related info. Please include contact name and e-mail, at the very least. Contact Classifieds. 

  Last Updated on Aug. 18, 1999

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